Anjiline Sirsikar is a Senior Public Policy Advisor who focuses on economics; monetary policy; fiscal policy; competition policy, and intellectual property. She has served several government agencies as a government consultant. Ms. Sirsikar holds a Bachelor of Science from the University of Minnesota majoring in Child Psychology and Neuroscience, and a Master’s in Public Policy from George Mason University. She is also a Certified Project Manager.
Ms. Sirsikar is also a recipient of a national service award granted to her by former President Barack Obama for her service as a Fellow in that capacity she mentored high-risk high school students who successfully graduated high school. Ms. Sirsikar is also the only female board member serving on the Loudoun County Water and Sanitation Authority.
Sirsikar is a book author of The Color of Change: Rescue and Rebuild America. She has published extensively her work has been featured in prominent scholarly publications and journals.
She is an expert on economic policy and continues to advocate for better women’s rights policies. She currently resides in Northern Virginia.